So sory..too late untuk post this picture..post2 yang lepas saye ade updated pasal my father's day..act bukan saje wish for him..but also cake..cake that i make by my OWN hand..hehe..saye suke wat cake, cupcake, kueh rye n mcm2 lagi lah..tpi father's day ritu terajen plak..saye btau mama nak wat kek sempena father's lah..for mother's day yg lepas we all share duet together bought the cake.siap dpt free flower lagi..tapi mse father's day we all lokek sket..abg pon blom dpt gaji lagi..azim pon x blek lagi mse saye wat je lah cake sendiri..hehe..
ini lah hasil nye..

x decorate pon..just put the THREE strawberry from CAMERON HIGHLANDS as symbolic WE LOVE U..
hehe..that tyme cake dah siap..tpi tbe2 malas lak nak wat cream cake lah jadi nye..okay lah..sekian aje entry ini ye..
peace no war..=)
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