Monday, February 14, 2011

The kiuT miuT Things..~

Hai dear readers!

Today bpe hb yaaa?? owh yaa, 14 Feb..the orang putih called as valentine's day..tapi u oll, x yah lah sambut that day...alang2 dah tau kan, ingat pon dah cukup, alaa..ingat sebagai hari kekasih (bahasa ibunda lah)..hehe..

Anyway, i bukan nak cite pasal hari itu, tapi nak cerita pasal semlm..yuhuuu..ladies n gentleman, sebab byk benda kiut2 kuar sempena ari kekasih nih, so i nak bagitau pasal "The kiuT miuT Things.." haha, y eh i besar kan T je? ini disebab kan i tgok setiap word ade T, mcm best pulak wat cenggitu..hahaha....

Okeyh lah, let's start the kiut miut things (dah mls nak picit shift daaa..hehe)

First is si comel biru..owh, not not dat man..i mean that bear..comel kan? tapi rosak si comel tu sebab Ron Fitri geraammmm!!

Second, the couple little cute bear..owh, with that love...alahai...santek nyee..

Third, bantal kecik I LOVE YOU..hohoho, sgt sgt comel!

What?? You Love Me TWO????? (pejam mata pulak)

Comel nye..comel nye jug tuh! kaler lagi..sgt comel..

Hahaha, yg ni mcm batak sikit, synonym jakun, sinonym teruja..haa, bawu betol..nnt kan u, dah kawen, i nak tu 1 ye..sebab i mls nk kering kan baju..huhu

I want this..muat x utk I? x muat??, okeyh2, bagi my future daughter okay..I said to him.."awak2, first beby gurl"..haha..die gelak kan aje...

Yang ni mcm bese lah..little bear pegang LOVE shape..gelap pulak bear ni but still kiut miut kan..yg bantal2 kecik kat blakang tu pon kiutttt!

Dah puas menyelongkar dah semua benda kiut..tapi x sume lah..just certain yg amat amat teruja untuk dilihat n dicapture..huhu..bese lah gurl kan..x sah kalau x tgok benda2 kiut ni..semua nak digeram or nak dipegang..hehe..x pe lah kan..

Semua tu saye x bawak balek pown...cume 1 benda je memang my own n saye bawak pegi jalan, then saye bwk balek uma balek..nak tau ape benda yg kiut ni??haa, tgok nih..

Ni haa.."My Beby Purple"..sgt comel kan?
Muka saye masam??aah, name pon candid pic, x senyum la pulak..
But, still natural of me..~

Peace no war!

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