Thursday, January 3, 2013

Surprise Birthday Present from FYTH


Owh owh, got a birthday present okayh!..terkezut i ble mama bagi fyth nak maen surprise2 jugak ye..pandai u olls..sila jeles sekarang sebelum tengok hadiah..=P

For those yang tak tahu sapa FYTH tuh, nah..go to this FYTH LABEL..macam-macam cerita ade about them...

Pejam celik..almost 5 years and half berkawan dengan dorang..rapat since year 2 Diploma if i'm not mistaken...close during year 3 dip..and separate during degree because masing2 taken their own course and class...but contact is still on...ade yang sama class n group kot..kadang2 free, bley je hangout sesame during study dulu..hahah..

Tibe2 terpanjang pulak storynye...meh, show off present nih....

A beautiful gift and very surprising coming from 3 persons from different places..~
Cenggane dorang contact tuh? haha..mari lah kte p makan2 celebrate birthday ye kekawan...

And one more things, bertambah lagi my handbag collection..wink2! (^_^)

To FYTH: Hope nonono lost contact okayh!

Thank you very very much for the gift!

T.c and goodnite..

Sweet dream!

Eh, tidur dengan senyuman...tggu i posing dengan bag ni ye..

Truly : yanaMz~
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